Pozvánka pro absolventy na webinář EQUAL – Sustainability and Assessment: what tools to implement and report sustainability education?
Francouzsko-český institut řízení je držitelem prestižní akreditace CAMBAS. Díky členství v České asociaci MBA škol se naši studenti a absolventi mohou zúčastňovat webinářů, které nabízí mezinárodní asociace EQUAL, jež působí při EFMD,
Edition of the EQUAL Meet the Expert Series will take place on Wednesday, 12 March at 13:00-14:00 Brussels time. The topic will be ‚Sustainability and Assessment: what tools to implement and report sustainability education?‘
Speaker: Jean-Christophe Carteron, Co-Founder and President of Sulitest.
Registration is free and open to all EQUAL members and affiliates. Please register via this link and spread the word within your network by sharing this page. We also kindly encourage all of you to support and share the event within your memberships, as we observed its previous occurrence to be met with notable success.